Baby Shower – Bunny Themed

Baby Showers BLOG

Baby Shower

Bunny Themed Baby Shower

Baby Shower

Baby Shower by Happy Happenings (Festejar é Preciso)

Photographed by Patricia e Marcio

Ladies and Gentlemen here is the cutest baby shower EVER! Created by Happy Happenings (festejar e preciso) a bunny themed shower that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. I have seen lots of events in my researches and this one is on top of the list. Details every where you look.

Lets start with the 4 tier cake, a delicate design and a wonderful focal point with a cute little bunny cake topper. The personalized chocolate bars, cupcakes with name tags, personalized truffles and adorable bunny cut out cookies on a lollipop stick and yes lots of truffle wrappers to add to the floral design.

Now please lets take a moment to admire the custom made bunny swings hanging from the wood structure garden canopy, could you die? With butterflies adorning the satin ribbon on the swings DETAILS to the teeth!!!

They have transformed this room into a garden with lots of cute bunny and what a great job Happy happening did.

If you live in Brazil and have an event coming up, I suggest you check them out.

Happy Happening you get a two thumbs up!

You can find truffle wrappers for your next event in our shop.

Baby Shower

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