Recipe – Chicken Pie

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Chicken Pie Recipe

Recipe by Dicas para minha casa

Recipe Ingredients

  • Dough Recipe

  • 400 g all-purpose flower

  • 200 g cold butter

  • 1 egg and 1 egg yolk beaten.

  • Salt to taste

  • 6 tbsp. whole milk

  • 1 egg yolk to wash dough


Filling Recipe

  • 1 Kg boneless chicken breast

  • 1 diced medium onion

  • 2 garlic cloves diced and smashed

  • 1 tomato diced without skin

  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil

  • 1 can of corn

  • 1 tbsp. of all-purpose flower

  • 3 cubes of chicken knor


Recipe Directions

  1. In a bowl mix flower and butter well until it becomes together.

  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead until dough is soft and smooth

  3. Wrap it a plastic film and refrigerate for approximately 30 minutes

  4. Use half of the dough to create the shell (crust) of the pie, save the other half for the top.

  5. Pour in the filling and cover it with the reserved dough

  6. Wash the top of the dough with egg wash.

  7. Bake it on a medium heat oven for approximately 40 minutes until golden


  1. Cook the chicken breast and pull it

  2. In a saucepan pour the olive oil and onion sauté the onion but do not let it golden

  3. Stir in garlic and cook a little more

  4. Pour in the pulled chicken breast

  5. Dissolve the knor cubes and the flower on a cup of hot water and pour it over the chicken mixture

  6. Stir it vigorously until a cream is formed

  7. Pour in the rest of the ingredients and voila it is ready.



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