Wedding – Yellow & Pink Palette

BLOG Weddings


By Karen Tran

By Martha Stewart                                          By Karen Tran

By Brides .com

By Karen Tran

By Karen Tran

By Karen Tran

By Karen Tran

By Karen Tran

By Karen Tran

Wedding  by Karen Tran                                                                     Back To Weddings

Yellow & Pink Wedding


Karen Tran has created a the most beautiful wedding of the year. This is a million dollar design wedding. At least it looks as if. Perfect color scheme, Pink and yellow the best combination on earth. I love this wedding so much I could look at it for hours.

‘This is the so called Glitz and Glamour girly wedding, soft roses satin Ribbons and lots of jewelry sparkling every where. BLING BLING. Done in a classy way.

This wedding is by Karen Tran and for this one she gets a Hosting Essence two thumbs up and five stars. Job well done!

You can find truffle wrappers for your next event in our shop.


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