Recipe – Brigadeiro

BLOG Truffles


Brigadeiro Recipe


Recipe Ingredients:

  • 1 Cup of condensed milk
  • 1 Table spoon of butter
  • ¾ Cup of chocolate powder
  • 1 Egg Yolk (gently strained to remove the skin.)

Recipe Directions:

  • In a large sauce pan mix together all of the ingredients until all the chocolate powder is dissolved.
  • On medium heat, bring it to a boil mixing it non stop. (about 20 minutes). When the mix is thick and starting to peel off easily from the bottom of the pan it is ready.
  • Wait until it is completely cool to roll it into mini balls.
  • Roll it on chocolate sprinkles.You can find truffle wrappers in our shop.

For a different finish you can roll the truffles in chocolate powder.

Truffle Recipe


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