Birthday – Pebbles Flintstones Birthday

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Isn’t this dessert table adorable?


Truffle wrappers is the newest sensation.

Chocolate caramel apple anyone?

White Chocolate bones. Put your hands up if you like white chocolate.

Cupcake perfection.

Pink water bottle. how thoughtful.


Birthday by Festeggiare Bambini

Pebbles Themed – Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

Girl Power! you better believe it! Pebbles is all about girl power. And this party rocks!!!

Lets start with those gorgeous cupcakes, how adorable are the dinosaurs on top? And the cake, amazing pink wood panel textures and of course cheetah ribbons so rock age.  And the cake pops delightful.

The cookies were baked in shape of a bone frosted with white chocolate which made it more bone like, tied with a pink ribbon so creative.

This girly birthday party is a wonderful success. Congratulations Festeggiare Bambini. Job well done!

You can find truffle wrappers for your next event in our shop.

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

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