How thoughtful and intelligent to use white and clear balloons to contrast with the bright yellows and blues. Details friends, That’s what sets a good designer apart.
A birthday cake fit for a prince.
Love this cupcakes.
Little Prince – Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal
– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal
Yellow is by far one of the happiest colors EVER, and in this birthday party it shows… Yuppi Fest delivered another upscale design.
A birthday to remember, with all the works. Please take a close look at that yellow book shelf. wonderful!!! Where can I get furniture like that?
And please aren’t those lamb cupcakes just the best?! Personalized truffles everywhere, this is a true work of art. Good job Yuppi Fest.
You can find truffle wrappers for your next event in our Shop.