– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal – Lady Bug

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Lady Bug Themed – Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal by Festeggiare Bambini

Photography by Camila Coura

If you live in Belo Horizonte you are a lucky person. The two greatest party designer in Minas Gerais are from that special city. BH. Festeggiari Bambini is without a doubt one of Hosting Essence’s favorites. They take any theme you have in mind and bring it to reality in such an elegant and unique way. Every time. This ladybug birthday is just another example of their talent. Details every where and a magnificent final project. Festeggiare Bambini you ROCK!

You can find truffle wrappers for your next event in our shop.

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

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