Birthday – Allyssa’s Secret Garden

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Secret Garden – Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

This birthday party was for a lovely girl named Allyssa. She turned nine years old and what an amazing way to do it so.

There was DIY project all over this party and it was great. You can find some of these DIY project in our DIY Page.

You can also find truffle wrappers for your next birthday party in our shop.

Look at the creative way to utilize the doll house. Very Clever!

Truffles Recipes

Event Credits:

Decor by: Raquel Lopes
Cake & Truffles by: Luzenita Lopes

Truffle wrappers in our shop.

– Idéias de Decoração para Festas Temáticas em Leiria, Portugal

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